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BAK , ( Inner Sampling )at the Litteraturhuset in Fredrikstad des 2019


A performance, highlighting, focusing and experiencing  the in between different modes using electronic equipment, objects, live sampling, sound, myself and the audience. 



I am interested in how we create art with technology and how what we create affects us in a new way. 


I am interested in exploring and finding out  how the audience was affected by the interplay between the inner imagined and the experienced world. This for me is vibrational and linked to inner creativity, to how fantasy and imagination is activated.




 a live research performance on reflections and receptivity through actions. I am investigating the experience of shift in sensations, body movement, thoughts and inner images collaborating with sound and objects. Searching to find more connections through interdisciplinary play. What interests me is how new information surfaces during  this process.






I am not gone

I am here

this is only for you, 

What if how I see serves me.

 Translation from sound,

This was a inner mantra in the  performance


 Practice of shifting modes with in Berlin nov 2019, with Claudia Grecco, 


Main Back ground photo :

Lars Kjemphol

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